Women participate in the FOLUR Annual Meeting 2023 in Sao Paulo
Women participate in the 2023 FOLUR Annual Meeting in Sao Paulo. FOLUR/Mauro Nery


At the Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program (FOLUR) annual meeting held in Sao Paulo, Brazil with country project team participants from 24 countries, a session on innovative approaches to gender integration in FOLUR interventions was held.

All FOLUR teams recognize that taking actions to address critical gender issues in FOLUR countries is key to their success.

Patti Kristjanson (World Bank), Pascal Fabie (United Nations Development Programme) and Maurizio Furst (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) shared tools and practices that are generating gender-responsive rural landscape and sustainable food system projects, programs and investments.

Participants heard about FOLUR project field experiences related to gender opportunities in Indonesia from Weine Andriyana, and in Mexico from Ana Fernandez.

Hannah Simmons, founder and CEO of Ecosystem Regeneration Associates in Brazil, shared her experience with an innovative regenerative agriculture project that is empowering women and youth in Brazil. It supports the creation of groups and cooperatives in three areas: offering education, capacity building and implementing agroforestry systems that enhance biodiversity and incomes. It measures and values the increase in women’s income and assets and leadership activities, and sells women’s empowerment (W+ Standard) credits to private sector investors alongside carbon credits.

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